Tues: Hyh was so successful n i can only say every1 lykl =)
Wed: Morning on MRT met Joaquim but almost cant recognise her... =X chatted with her till i reached clementi b4 taking bus to sch.... Did my circuit board n was rdy to to print the pcb... =) After tat was lunch... Left sch at 12.45 n reached orchard Mrt at 1.20.. well i was supposed to meet SH at 2.... Maybelyn also went out with us. We went shopping at orchard n chatted throughout.. I tried to join in their coversation but sumtime i noe im too random =X Maybelyn kept saying i am too quiet but i did join in their conversation lor =) At abt 5 plus we went to have our dinner. After tat, we took sum photos while SH n maybelyn bought some food at taka food fair. photo are still with maybelyn so i will post it next time =X
At 6, it was home sweet home =) Hopefully can meet n ask them out next time =X Really enjoyed myself n wat i can say is tat time really flies when ur having fun... =)

Present given to me by SH =) Its a mini fan she bought frm wuhan.